Owl Nest Box Podject

As i was warming up for my run this morning i heard the Male and Female Tawny Owl calling, just to let site members know that this years young are abandoned from August and from then there on there own. From Oct to early Nov they look for a nest site and make their own territory. After hearing them today it sounds like there are 3 in the woods that surround the park. They called all day today so there very active. I found 2 Tawny Owls sitting in the boxes i put up last year so its looking good for next year. i will keep you informed on any activity in the Nest Boxes.10389356_558819814252995_4657491891901064365_n-1988546_650216615113314_2654919250733905299_n11203161_650215928446716_1389863582217352584_n150759_662329373902038_1220788411383369493_n