Barn Owl Facts

Thought it would be a good idea to inform people that follow my Barn Owl pictures to let them know a few facts about this amazing Bird, hope you find this interesting. This amazing Bird has a very hard life hear in the Uk with Old Barns being turned into Dwellings, Fields are Cut at a critical time when the Adults are in the middle of feeding the young and the good old British weather. Most people look out of their window and see a Sunny evening and think all is ok, but when I look out I just look for any breeze.

You may think its only a breeze, but when i went out 2 nights ago, i watched it hunt for 30 mins with no Vole as the wind was effecting her Hearing and she cant pin point the prey. Luckily they are very clever and I saw her move to a sunken verge where there was no wind and she caught a vole within a couple of mins.

Each Barn Owl will need 5,000 Voles, Mice in a single year.
3,000 Barn Owls are killed on the roads each year. 91% are found to have been Poised from Mice or Rats that have eaten poison.
One Farm in 75 has a Barn Owl.
They are 100% Silent Hunters due to the Special Feathers it has.
The barn owl’s heart-shaped face collects sound in the same way as human ears. Its hearing is the most sensitive of any creature tested.

Everyone can help barn owls. Leave a patch of rough grassland to grow wild thus creating habitat for voles, erect a super-safe deep nest box, volunteer for your local barn owl group, switch to non-toxic rodent control and support charities working to conserve the barn owl.