Day 32 Sunrise on the Greta
A after 32 days of finding the Dipper, I arrived on day 32 and got into position. It was quiet so I thought the worse that the Mink had been to the nest. After 20 minutes the first Dipper arrived at the nest but it was carrying Leaves. So it looked ike I had missed them Fledging, but then I decided to change position as the sun was not at my back.
I found a spot that wouldn’t bother the adults then sat down. Within 5 minutes my first sighting of a Juvenile Dipper. It flew across the river then messed about for a bit, then the Adult came into feed it. Great site as I have never witnessed this in the wild.
Patience and hours spent seem to give me my rewards so I really hope you enjoy the Dipper story which has ended a happy one because I did.